All Three Parts Are Available!
The Future of Equine Medicine: Integrating Laser Therapy Series
Part One: Prepare
Part Two: Perform
Part Three: Recover
Speaker: Dr. Bart Halsberghe Veterinary Surgeon, Dipl. ECVSMR (Equine), Dipl. ABVP (Equine Practice), Cert. ISELP, cVMA, cVSMT, CERT
Bart Halsberghe Veterinary Surgeon, Dipl. ECVSMR (Equine), Dipl. ABVP (Equine Practice), Cert. ISELP, cVMA, cVSMT, CERT
All Three Parts Are Now Available For A Limited Time!
Don't miss your opportunity to watch this incredible series before it's too late.
Multi Radiance: The Experts In Light
Multi Radiance has been at the forefront of laser research and is now make up of experts from throughout the therapy laser and imaging industry
PART ONE: Prepare
PART TWO: Perform
PART TWO: Perform
You are at the show and it's time to perform. What can you do in the days or hours before the performance to maximize the outcome.
How can you boost recovery after a hard workout or show/performance to prevent overtraining or loss of performance during a multi-day event?
THIS is Light as Medicine
The Most Rigorously Studied and Clinically Validated Light-Based Portfolio Built With Your Patients & Practice In Mind
Light To See
Thermal Imaging
Light To Treat
In-Clinic Laser Therapy
Light At-Home
In-Clinic Laser Therapy
Light, Integrated
Center Of Excellence